2011年7月28日 星期四



出自: 洪致文 2011: 二戰時期臺北市之疎開空地帶對戰後城市街道發展的影響, 台灣文獻季刊, 第62卷第1期. 233-258.

The City Evacuation Zones in Taipei during the World War II and Their Influences on Subsequent Street Development

摘 要
臺北的城市發展歷史中,在二次大戰時期為了避免美軍的轟炸造成廣泛延燒,而有了開闢 「疎開空地帶」的作為。這些在1944-1945年間才緊急開闢的城市內疎開空地帶,主要是為了區隔開大範圍的日式木造建築,避免一旦遭受轟炸後會整片延 燒造成重大傷亡而拆屋劃設。這些非在承平時期都市規劃中出現的疎開空地帶,在台北的街道紋理中烙印下防空防火的戰爭印記,但卻未曾在先前的研究當中被深入 探討。本文利用二戰時期美軍的航照判讀,標定了臺北市內數條的疎開空地帶。其劃設的位置與相關都市發展之關連,可分為:(1) 以既有道路拓寬開闢、(2) 以計劃道路為基線所開設、(3) 未在承平時期都市計畫中出現,但考量到日式木造住宅密度過大而強迫緊急劃設。這些疎開空地帶在戰後初期多因市府未立即闢建為道路,乃被民眾侵佔搭蓋違章建 築,而又在戰後歷經了違章的時代。有名的龍泉街小吃、圓環附近攤商,均是疎開空地帶在戰後初期所形成的特殊臺北城市風情。而像是南北縱貫的金山南路,或者 留有狹長師大公園的師大路,亦都是疎開空地帶所遺留下的城市遺跡。如今,這些疎開空地帶多已闢建為寬廣之道路,當年作為防火對象的日式木造建築也泰半拆除 改建,但若深究其形成的歷史緣由,卻可視為戰火下防空概念中,二次大戰時「不燃都市」理念在台北所烙印下的痕跡。


The establishment of “city evacuation zones”, which were initially designed to prevent fire-spreading caused by aerial bombing during the World War II (hereafter WWII), marked an important event in Taipei’s history. The Taiwan Sotokufu in Japanese era established these city evacuation zones hastily in 1944-1945 to quarantine the areas with high concentration of Japanese wooden houses as they were easily burned out by aerial bombing. While these city evacuation zones originally were not part of the city development plan, they survive after the war and leave a mark on city’s landscape. Nevertheless, prior studies pay relative little attention to the role of these city evacuation zones in Taipei’s development. Using the aerial photos taken by the US air force during and after the war, this study identifies several city evacuation zones in Taipei. Their locations, and relations to urban development, can be classified as three types: (1) zones that established by broadening existing streets, (2) zones that established by relying on initially-planned streets, (3) zones that located on a non-initially planned roads where requiring urgent evacuation due to high concentration of wooden houses. After WWII, most of these city evacuation zones were not immediately converted to city streets. Consequently, numerous squatter houses were built on these zones. In particular, the famous Long-Cyuan St. and Yuang-Huang Taiwanese food stalls were based on one of the city evacuation zones. The north-south Jin-Shan S. Rd, and the Shih-Da Rd. (near NTNU with a unique long-shape park) are also heritage of the city evacuation zones. Although most of the city evacuation zones become wide streets and most Japanese wooden houses have disappeared, city evacuation zones still shape today’s street patterns in Taipei which can be viewed as a war heritage under the concept of “noncombustible city” for the air defenses during the WWII.

Keywords: city evacuation zone, air defenses, aerial bombing, squatter houses, urban development

