2010年4月25日 星期日


上週(2010.4.23.)感謝112大學的賴老大邀請,去參加了數位典藏地理資訊專家座談會「由下而上的GIS專家座談會」會議。我這地理界的旁門左 道,實在不知道怎麼去跟幾位純種的地理人去聊這說。不過,聽聽的過程還是感覺這真的好像蠻嚴重的,因為地理人常會問啥是地理,似乎有很重的認同危機(大氣 系很少有人會問啥是大氣科學哩)。會中有老大說到,如果別的學門玩GIS都比你地理系要玩得更好,分析得更透徹,觀點更棒,那地理系出來的人要怎辦?這真 是大災問。就像是如果很多地理界的人,拿齊柏林老大的圖來看,又看不出比人家更多的東西,那那那,嗯嗯,只好kerokerokero了。閒話休提。寫這 篇文章主要是要來推薦下學期本山人要開的「地景調查與分析」。如果,你經過三年的地理訓練,讓你更加迷失,更加難以找回當初對地理的熱忱,那你一定要來修 這個課。因為,找回一種對地理探究的熱忱,儘管你畢業後再也不會跟地理有關,但這個好玩的地理偵探遊戲,卻可以讓你玩一輩子。

對於台師大的同學,你們每天從側門走出去,可曾有人覺得奇怪過?為何有個奇怪的長條師大公園?為何這個詭異的公園會存在於此?側門出去,路會斜一下,這又 是在搞啥?其實,當我第一次到宅大面試那天,中午吃飯時經過這個公園,我就覺得超級怪。這個疑問,慢慢慢慢地觸發我的研究,再加上金山南路這條怪路的刺 激,於是最近寫了一篇論文講這個。其實,同樣一條路,每天千百人在走,走了好幾十年,如果你要說你有個不一樣的地理眼跟地理腳(這是宅系的奇怪用語啦,大 氣系的看天吃飯,大概要有天眼),那就是要能看出不一樣的東西。如果你要知道師大公園是怎一回事,只要你在「地景調查與分析」課上誠心誠意地請教我,那我 一定會大發慈悲地回答你。因為,這是為了防止世界被破壞,為了守護世界的和平,並且貫徹愛與真實的邪惡,所以得這樣才能找出師大公園的秘密啊!不過呢,以 下是該論文的初稿摘要,可以先瞧瞧嘗鮮囉!

The City Evacuation Zones in Taipei during the World War II and Their Influences on Subsequent Street Development


The establishment of “city evacuation zones”, which were initially designed to prevent fire-spreading caused by aerial bombing during the World War II (hereafter WWII), marked an important event in Taipei’s history. Taiwan Sotofuku established these city evacuation zones hastily in 1944-1945 to quarantine the areas with high concentration of Japanese wooden houses as they were easily burned out by aerial bombing. While these city evacuation zones originally were not part of the city development plan., they survive after the war and leave a mark on city’s landscape. Nevertheless, prior studies pay relative little attention to the role of these city evacuation zones in Taipei’s development. Using the aerial photos taken by the US air force during and after the war, this study identifies several city evacuation zones in Taipei. Their locations, and relations to urban development, can be classified as three types: (1) zones that established by broadening existing streets, (2) zones that established by relying on initially-planned streets, (3) zones that located on a non-initially planned roads where requiring urgent evacuation due to high concentration of wooden houses. After WWII, most of these city evacuation zones were not immediately converted to normal city streets. Consequently, numerous squatter houses were built on these zones. In particular, the famous Longcyuan St. and Yuang-Huang Taiwanese food stalls were based on one of the city evacuation zones. The north-south Jinshan S. Rd, and the Shihda Rd. (near NTNU with a unique long-shape park) are also heritage of the city evacuation zones. Although most of the city evacuation zones become wide streets and most Japanese wooden houses have disappeared, city evacuation zones still shape today’s street patterns in Taipei which can be viewed as a war heritage under the concept of “noncombustible city” for the air defenses during the WWII.

1 則留言:

  1. The article is marvellous. I can't wait to see how you dissect the landscape.

    Tyng from http://www.wretch.cc/blog/triponfoot
