2009年12月18日 星期五


很多學生都以為老師教教書,平常閒閒涼涼的,但其實每到年尾,大部分大學老師都得忙著申請國科會計畫。老實講,國科會計畫給主持人也沒多少錢,拼老命申請 計畫主要是為了養學生與助理。當你手下有很多人要靠著你吃喝與上班種菜時,老師就得拼一點。當然,申請計畫時,也是結算業績的時候。唉!這時候就很現實 了,什麼樣的期刊點數高,自然就會讓你的計畫比較容易過。我們這一行拜全球暖化之故,氣候期刊J of Climate居然從最初的二點多,到去年申請時三點多,今年居然爆高到4.307。這簡直是嚇死我也。今年業績結算如下:


Hung, C.-w.* and P.-k. Kao, 2009: Weakening of the winter monsoon and abrupt increase of winter rainfalls over northern Taiwan and southern China in the early 1980s. J. Climate. Accepted. (SCI, IF=4.307)

洪致文* 2009: 從百年氣象資料看台灣降雨的氣候特徵, 台灣文獻季刊, 第60卷第4期. (in Chinese, Accepted. To be appeared)

Hung, C.-w.*, 2009: Temperature discontinuity caused by relocation of meteorological stations in Taiwan. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 20, 607-617, doi: 10.3319 / TAO.2008.07.11.01(A) (SCI, IF=0.594 )

Hsu, H.-H*., C.-H. Hung, A.-K. Lo, and C.-w. Hung, 2008: Influence of Tropical Cyclone on the Estimation of Climate Variability in the Tropical Western North Pacific.J. Climate. 21, 2960-2975. (SCI, IF=4.307)

Hung, C.-w*. and H.-H. Hsu, 2008: The First Transition of the Asian Summer Monsoon, Intraseasonal Oscillation, and Taiwan Meiyu. J. Climate. 21, 1552–1568. (SCI, IF=4.307)

Hung, C.-w., 2007: 台灣氣象傳奇The history of meteorological observatories in Taiwan, 玉山社Taiwan Interminds Publishing Inc., 293pp. (in Chinese 專書)


1. Historical Review for the Meteorological Observatories and their Data in Taiwan
There are many possible factors which can contribute to the artificial abrupt change in a long climatic time series, such as the impact of station moving, and the change of the observational time, frequency and instruments. In this study, the effect of the station moving is the main focus, because it is the first question needed to be answered when one wants to use a continuous long time series for climatic studies. Temperature is the variable used to examine the impact of the station moving. In the historical review in Hung (2007) and Hung (2009), data users can easily check whether the abrupt changes in their analyzed time series are related to the man-made station moving.

2. Taiwan Climate (I) —Winter rainfalls
The rainfall characteristic of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) is less emphasized in previous works. In Hung and Kao (2009), we reveal that the circulation of the EAWM weakened in the recent decades which results in the decreasing of winter rainfalls over several windward coastal areas over East Asia including the hills in northern Taiwan. In contrast, there is an abrupt increase of rainfalls in southern China and the plains of northern Taiwan during early 1980s. This is due to the increase in sea surface temperature and lower troposphere moisture over South China Sea, and the anomalous northward flow which enhances the moisture transport to southern China. Because more moisture is provided for the frontal system which moves eastward, the fronts frequently come with abundant moisture and well-developed rain band in winter. Therefore, the plains of northern Taiwan receive more rainfall after 1980s.

3. Taiwan climate (II) — Meiyu
The Meiyu rainy season in Taiwan usually starts in mid-May and ends in mid-June. In Hung and Hsu (2008), we clarified the relationship between the first transition of the large-scale Asian summer monsoon and the onset of Taiwan Meiyu. For almost half of the years in 1958-2002 (20 cases), the first transition of the Asian summer monsoon is characterized by sharp onset. The timing of the first transition of the Asian summer monsoon is associated with the large-scale eastward moving intraseasonal oscillation (ISO), especially in the sharp onset cases. The Taiwan Meiyu usually starts after this sharp onset.

4. Taiwan climate (III) — Rainfalls in summer-autumn
It is commonly known that Taiwan’s summer-autumn rainfall prediction by models is much poorer than that in winter. In 洪致文(2009), we show that the contribution of typhoons plays a major role during the summer-autumn typhoon season (about 43.2% of the total rainfall is related to typhoons). However, the percentage of typhoon rainfall changes interannually from 7.7% to 65.6%. Moreover, the typhoon contribution usually occurs within a few days, showing that the major rainfall is from highly chaotic extreme rainfall events.

