2009年10月21日 星期三


您小時候一定玩過或唱過「倫敦鐵橋掉下來、掉下來!」這樣的童謠。是的,倫敦鐵橋為了讓過高的船從河道上通 過,特別設計成可動式的上升下降橋樑,而這也就是「倫敦鐵橋掉下來 」的典故。不過,在美國伊利諾州與愛荷華州交界的密西西比河鐵路 橋,卻是「轉過來」,這到底是怎麼回事呢?

原來,密西西比河的航運在早年的美國是相當重要 的,但鐵路要由芝加哥往西經美國中西部到太平洋岸去,勢必也得跨過河的。在兩方都兼顧的情況下,這座由芝加哥與西北鐵路公司(CNW)在 1909 年 2 月完成的鐵橋,便設計成可以旋轉的模樣。您可以假想由空中鳥瞰這座橋,就好像看一個平放在桌面的時鐘。這座橋可以 旋轉 90 度,空出缺口來讓船隻通過,這便是它的運轉方式。

這座名橋一直是鐵道迷的攝影名點,特別是愛荷華 州克靈頓城的這一端,龐大的可旋轉式鋼樑橋,更是許多人的最愛。只要是天氣不錯,往往都可以見到不少的火車迷群集在此。很可惜的是:筆者造訪時是冬末春初 之時,密西西比河的航運尚未開始熱絡起來。要是夏天來此,據說常常真的可見它「轉來轉去」,這時我們就真的可以把「倫敦鐵橋掉下來」的歌,改 唱成「密西西比河橋轉過來、轉過來!」這不是挺有趣的?



Today, Paul and I plan to go down to Clinton, Iowa! I am so happy to have chance to go back Iowa again! This morning, I saw a CNW painted Fairbanks Morse engine which displays in Milton, WI on a magazine, so I ask Paul bring me to see it before our trip to Clinton. The CNW #10 Fairbanks Morse engine, originally from Minneapolis Northfield & souhtern; later was used by a short line, Central Wisconsin, and never owned by C&NW! However, it is very funny. It was in CNW color. Well, we appreciate they repaint it as traditional C&NW green and yellow color. And, you still can see "The route of Streamliner 400" on its body!

After the visit of the CNW color engine, we went on the "Free" way to Illinois. Yes! Illinois is so-called" HAPPY STATE"! We need to pay a lot of $ for the toll way. Finally, we arrive Rocelle IL. From Rocelle to Clinton, we follow the CNW east-west mainline , and want to see if we can get any CNW engines. The first spot we visited is Rochelle. Here is the location BNSF line and CNW line cross each other. When we arrived the diamond, I saw 6 cars by rail fan staying there to wait for trains. I think, because it is a sunny day, railfans go out for train watching!!! However, we didn't see any train pass the diamond, but catch one UP train in Rochelle ex-CNW depot.

About 13:40, we arrived Nelson. This is the place CNW mainline has a branch down to Madison, IL(not Madison, WI) and have track right to St Louise. We saw a UP train again, still no CNW loco!!! Before we arrived Clinton, we stop by a great spot where BN line cross the top of CNW line. This place is near the Mississippi River, and after that, we will enter IOWA!!! Yes! After we cross Mississippi river, the familiar slogan appeared: IOWA MAKE YOU SMILE!!! Yeah! I came back IOWA. When we just cross the river, the west bound train we have met just cross the river. We didn't well-prepare for it, but still get a good shot. Later, we visited the CNW clinton yard. Sadly, only see a #4622 CNW painted loco. Then, we went back to CNW Clinton depot. It is very beautiful, but the platform already removed. When we just arrived there, another east bound train ran by. IT IS A CNW C44-9W 8665 engine!!! I am very happy, but didn't well prepare for its coming, again. However, the photo turns out so good. I am so surprised!

The Mississippi river bridge must be the most important spot in Clinton area. This historical bridge was constructed in 1909. And it can turn around like a clock to let ship pass it! We sat down beside the river to get a east bound train, then moved to the bridge to get another shot. We wait, wait and wait --- No trains come. We are very sad. And as you know: the railfan rule is: Everytime when you give up, the train will just come after you leave! Do you believe this? In Taiwan, Japan, and America, they are all the same. Everytime I give up, the train will come. This time, Paul and I make a time to leave. We said after 17:00 if the train didn't come, we will leave. And we just say the railfan joke: Maybe we will see the train when we drive back and we are on the Mississippi river bridge. Ha! Ha! The railfan rule have been proved again. We heard a train horn sound just before 17:00, and the train crossed the bridge about 17:05. We didn't leave, and we saw the train!!! So, my opinion for you is: wait 5 more minutes when you decide to leave, and maybe you will get a bonus train!

